

Design for the end-user, not the stakeholder.

Remember who the product is for, and make the best UX decisions for them.

Hue_Mun, A Brand Of Adequate Excellence

Hue_Mun, A Brand Of Adequate Excellence

Say hi to Hue_Mun! Some of my weirdest ideas come from conversations with other strange people. One such person is Sasha Khan, co-founder of Jetsyt. We concocted a beauty brand for pretty people who could care less during one of our excellent, random conversations....

A guide to hiring the right designer for your project

A guide to hiring the right designer for your project

Finding a creative partner Finding a designer is easy. Super easy in fact. Countless creative institutions (such as my alma-mater School of Visual Arts) are in the business of sculpting a writhing, roiling heap of creative thinkers and designers. If you have a project...

Greenbelt Conservancy rebrand exercise went well

Greenbelt Conservancy rebrand exercise went well

A good friend of mine mentioned he was participating in a logo competition for the Greenbelt Conservancy in Staten Island. I took this as an opportunity to stretch my branding muscles and create a quick brand refresh. This is purely an exercise and in no way...

ToDo Lists In Design Apps Need To Be A Thing

ToDo Lists In Design Apps Need To Be A Thing

I had a "Why isn't this a thing" moment earlier today while familiarizing myself with Adobe XD (Always Be Learning). I found a plugin for the app that installs a ToDo list into XD. Why isn't this just built into every design app ever? The number of times I could've...

Brainstorming a Battle Royale Game with Zombies

Brainstorming a Battle Royale Game with Zombies

With the announcement of Back 4 Blood, my love of zombie co-op games have spawned yet another game idea. I used to co-host a podcast called Gamify with a buddy, Justin Jordan. On it we thought up viable video game ideas based on general topics. Some were based on...