Ria Health

Ria Health's branding and Web refresh to improve their vision and message of improving peoples relationship with alcohol.

Design Problem(s): A brand that didn’t reflect the company’s mission

Ria Health felt its original branding no longer reflected the company’s vision of the future, nor did it cater to the needs of its target audience. The company needed a new brand direction and strategy, along with messaging that spoke to its goals of supporting people on their journey with alcohol addiction.

Solution(s): Brand strategy, Web Design & Development, Messaging

Working with the Ria Health team, I developed a new brand identity based on the concept of “creating a positive relationship with alcohol.” The Ria Plus is a symbol of positivity that helps connect Ria Health to its membership and reinforces the company’s commitment to helping its members make positive strides in their journey.

A comprehensive brand guide, messaging template, and web portal were designed, developed, and launched in early 2022.