How to be an effective player-coach. Balancing execution and management

Being an effective player-coach can be difficult. Establishing and adhering to a set of rules is the best way to stay ahead.



Design for the end-user, not the stakeholder.

Remember who the product is for, and make the best UX decisions for them.

The Dora Milaje & The Women of Wakanda

The Dora Milaje & The Women of Wakanda

Wakanda is the most technologically advanced nation in the Marvel Universe. Yet its citizens suffer constant oppression at the hands of foreign invaders such as Namor, the Atlantean king. T’Challa, the Black Panther, splits his time between ruling Wakanda and being...

Creating Shirt Shirt, The T-Shirt Brand

Creating Shirt Shirt, The T-Shirt Brand

Creating a t-shirt brand from scratch is a fun way to explore silly ideas you didn't know you wanted to build. For years I struggled with what simple idea could I turn into a line of clothing. The countless number of shirt design mockup filling old HDDs is staggering....

Web Designer or UX/UI Designer

Web Designer or UX/UI Designer

Maybe its nostalgia, but I came up as a Web Designer, and I don't see that title enough these days. Better yet, I don't see a title that is as al-encompassing as Web Designer was. Today, many designers solely focus on very specific subsets of that all-encompassing...

Custom PC Build – One Year Later

Custom PC Build – One Year Later

Just don't be stupid on what you DL and you're fine. - PC Guru Sean That is valid advice in a day and age when being stupid is easy and celebrated. It was in direct response to a question I had about anti-virus software for my soon-to-be-built custom PC. I suggested...