- Design Behind The Mask Podcast covering graphic design and user experience in pop culture fandoms launches in July 2022
- The design and entertainment show covers typography, color phycology, logo design, branding, and content in comics, video games, movies and tv.
- Hosted by design agency Secret Identity Inc
- Subscribe on Apple, Amazon Music, Spotify, iHeart, or Stitcher
Design Behind The Mask Podcast

Design Behind The Mask Podcast launches
Design Behind The Mask podcast from design agency Secret Identity takes an in-depth look at fictional brands and design experiences across pop culture. Good design practices are just as crucial in comics, video games, and serialized shows as it is for corporate brands. This show aims to highlight that fact. Join your host Carl Waldron and occasional guests as we discuss the complexities of the Lexcorp logo, examine the color palettes of superhero costumes, break down typographic choices in Nintendo games, and much more! New episodes every other Friday.
For more information, contact us, or visit SecretIdentity.net