Creating Shirt Shirt, The T-Shirt Brand

Creating a t-shirt brand from scratch is a fun way to explore silly ideas you didn’t know you wanted to build. For years I struggled with what simple idea could I turn into a line of clothing. The countless number of shirt design mockup filling old HDDs is staggering. As of today, I have finally found […]

Creating a t-shirt brand from scratch is a fun way to explore silly ideas you didn’t know you wanted to build. For years I struggled with what simple idea could I turn into a line of clothing. The countless number of shirt design mockup filling old HDDs is staggering. As of today, I have finally found something so simple, and so silly, I couldn’t help but pursue it. Shirt Shirt is the name. What is that you ask? Well, I am putting shirts on shirts, and it’s amazingly fulfilling.

A T-Shirt Brand for Everyone

Everyone wears shirts. I haven’t run the numbers or received accurate data, but I would estimate 85% of the population has worn, is wearing, or will be wearing a shirt right now. That’s a large, accurate number. How do you appeal to everyone with one t-shirt brand? You give them a shirt with something everyone has in common. Shirts.


A T-Shirt Brand with Shirts on shirts you say?

It’s that simple. I started this initiative after observing a large number of minimalist shirts on the market. That’s not counting the strange shirts friends and family would decide to wear. People tend to love quirky T’s with something witty or catchy printed on them. I figure a shirt on a shirt is the definition of quirky, or at the very least, worth a quick chuckle from a stranger.

Next steps

I need to find an audience. Do you know anyone who wants a shirt on a shirt other than me and maybe my mother (she’s very supportive)? If you are interested let me know. You get some authentic Carl with each shirt.

I have developed my personal illustration style that I utilized for this brand. What’s the fun of honing your style if you can’t turn it into a brand that will make people happy? Do you have any ideas for new Shirts on Shirts? Drop me a line on Twitter and let’s talk fashion.